
Skinbooster injections – an A to Z guide

Skinbooster injections - an A to Z guide

Skinbooster injections - an A to Z guide

Table of Contents

How to use skinboosters: where, how much, how often?

Firstly, we would like to remind you that skinboosters are cosmetic products designed to rejuvenate and improve the appearance of your skin. Skinboosters are a ‘cocktail’ of ingredients that improve skin nutrition, hydrate and renew the skin at a cellular level.

The active ingredients in skinboosters may include:

What kind of problems can be solved with the skinboosters treatment?

  • age-related changes
  • dry skin
  • oily skin
  • photo-ageing
  • pigmentation disorders
  • vascular defects (couperose)
  • fine scars
  • wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes, mouth and other areas
  • enlarged pores
  • cellulite
  • acne disease
  • diffuse alopecia (hair loss), dandruff, split hairs
You can read more about which skinboosters are most effective for specific skin problems in this article.

Techniques for using skinboosters

Massage techniques

The easiest technique is to apply the skinbooster externally directly to your skin. Then gently rub and massage the skin. This will allow the active ingredients to gradually penetrate into the dermis. This technique can be improved by using a special roller massage device. The disadvantage of external application is that you need a lot more skinboosters to achieve the same effect. They penetrate the keratinised layer of the epidermis slowly and in small doses.

The solution to this problem is to deliver the skinbooster directly into the dermis. This is where the cells are that will be affected by the active ingredients of the skinbooster.

Micro-needle technology

Micro-needles create tiny channels in the skin through which the skinbooster penetrates and reaches the deeper layers of the skin. In our shop you can buy two microneedling devices:

1. Hydra Roller

It has a chamber that can be filled with skinbooster. The roller is also equipped with 64 thin stainless steel needles. Each needle is 0.5mm long. When the roller is rolled over the skin, these needles create micro-channels in the skin through which the skinbooster flows.

2. Hydra Needle Stamp

This also has a chamber for the skinbooster and also has 20 1.5mm micro-needles. The Hydra Needle Stamp should be used as if you were working or stamping the skin with a sponge. As you 'stamp', the micro-needles penetrate the dermis and the skinbooster flows through. The Hydra Needle Stamp is a complete analogue of the Aquagold Fine Touch. However, the Hydra Needle Stamp is much cheaper because its needles are not gold-plated. Gold plating has not been proven to have any benefits and is used in the Aquagold Fine Touch mainly for marketing purposes.

Injectable mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is a method of rejuvenating cells and tissues by injecting various bioactive substances into the skin using micro-injections. This allows them to work much more effectively than when simply applied to the skin or using micro-needle technology.

General rules for skinbooster injections

  1. Store the open bottle in the fridge at a temperature of 5-100C. 
  2. Once opened, the vial should be used within 7 days.
  3. Do not use skinboosters on inflamed or irritated skin.
  4. Do not inject skinboosters if there are lesions on the skin.
  5. Avoid using scrubs and peelings, drinking alcohol, going to the sauna, excessive exercise and smoking for at least 1 week after treatment.

Main steps for the skinbooster treatment

  1. Remove all make-up.
  2. Treat the skin with an antiseptic.
  3. If necessary, use a local anaesthetic gel, cream or spray.
  4. Inject the skin booster.
  5. Treat the skin with antiseptic again. 
  6. Apply a soothing and/or anti-inflammatory agent to the skin.

Where and how much skinbooster should I inject?

All skinboosters work locally. This means that they should be injected exactly where there is a cosmetic problem that needs to be addressed.

The most common and versatile technique is the ‘microdrop grid’. You need to mentally trace the area to be injected with skinbooster with a grid in 1cm increments. You will get squares of about 1 cm2. Inject the skinbooster into each node of this imaginary grid. The volume of each injection is 0.05 to 0.1 ml.

Which needles should I use?

This depends on the area to be injected with the skinbooster as well as the visco-elastic properties of the solution (in simple terms, the density of the solution). Here is a sample table using Celosome products as an example.

Type of product












Indications & area


Rejuvenation of skin

Small facial wrinkles

Nasolabial folds

Deep skin wrinkles

Facial contouring

Nasolabial folds 

Deep skin folds 

Facial augmentation & contouring

Facial contouring 

Chin and check augmentation







Usually, skinboosters belong to the Aqua and Soft type products. Therefore, 30-31G or even smaller diameter needles will be the universal tool for their insertion.

How deep should I insert the needle?

Skinboosters act on the dermal cells of the skin. Therefore, they should be injected into the dermis, the middle layer of the skin. The dermis lies between the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin) and the subcutaneous fat (the deepest layer of the skin). One way to tell if the needle has reached the dermis is to feel it advance. The connective tissue of the epidermis and dermis is quite tough and resists needle movement well. However, as the needle penetrates the fat layer, this resistance disappears.

It takes experience to determine the correct depth of injection. This is why we emphasise that skinbooster injections should only be done by a doctor or licensed specialist in injectable cosmetology.

The dermis is at different depths in different parts of the body. Skinbooster injections under the eyes should be quite shallow, in the neck deep, and so on. Here is an sample table of injection depths using Selastin Tox as an example:

Treatment Area

Needle insertion depth



Worry lines


Crow’s feet








How often should I have skinbooster injections?

Mesotherapy with skinbooster is done in courses. Each course consists of 4-6 sessions at intervals of 1 to 3 weeks. In addition, supportive procedures may be carried out to maximise the effect.

Here is an example of a course using skinbooster Hyaron as an example:

























Once the main course is complete, supporting treatments can be used to maintain the effects achieved. Your doctor or beautician will tell you how often this should be done.

Advantages of skinbooster injections

The picture shows the wrinkles that are most often smoothed with botulinum toxin:

  • Targeted action. The active ingredients are delivered to the areas where they are most needed.
  • Improves local blood circulation. The irritation of skin receptors by the micro-needles increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the injection area.
  • Stimulation of skin cell division and growth. The injection creates a micro-trauma that triggers regeneration and accelerates the formation of new cells.
  • Reflexogenic action. Micro-injections have the same effect as acupuncture.
  • Cumulative effect. The effectiveness of the treatment increases with each subsequent session.
  • Safety. Virtually no risk of complications or side effects.

List of scientific sources used:

  1. Lee JH, Kim J, Lee YN, et al. The efficacy of intradermal hyaluronic acid filler as a skin quality booster: A prospective, single-center, single-arm pilot study. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2024;23(2):409-416. doi:10.1111/jocd.15944
  2. Singh A, Yadav S. Microneedling: Advances and widening horizons. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2016;7(4):244-254. doi:10.4103/2229-5178.185468
  3. Springer Medizin. Skinbooster. MMW Fortschr Med. 2016;158(15):8. doi:10.1007/s15006-016-8632-z
  4. Kerscher M., Buntrock H.H., et al. Restylane skinboosters for the improvement of the skin quality. 2017. Results of a consensus meeting. Cosmetic Medicine.
  5. Spataro EA, Dierks K, Carniol PJ. Microneedling-Associated Procedures to Enhance Facial Rejuvenation. Clin Plast Surg. 2023;50(3):479-488. doi:10.1016/j.cps.2022.12.012
  6. Skinbooster injections. Aesthetics and Skin Institute, VIC, Australia.
  7. Lee JC, Daniels MA, Roth MZ. Mesotherapy, Microneedling, and Chemical Peels. Clin Plast Surg. 2016;43(3):583-595. doi:10.1016/j.cps.2016.03.004

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One thought on “Skinbooster injections – an A to Z guide

  1. Be Youthful says:

    Very good article and guide! As always, very good useful info. Good job MeamoShop!

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One thought on “Skinbooster injections – an A to Z guide

  1. Be Youthful says:

    Very good article and guide! As always, very good useful info. Good job MeamoShop!

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