Rejuran S

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Product details

Rejuran S effectively addresses atrophic, hypertrophic, and postoperative scars, offering a comprehensive solution for scar reduction and skin rejuvenation in post-acne conditions.

  • Main ingredients: Polynucleotide (PN)
  • Capacity: 1mL * 1 syringes
  • Shelf life: 2 years from the date of manufacture


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Rejuran S

Rejuran S is a highly concentrated polynucleotide designed to restore skin in areas afflicted with post-acne scars, scars, and mechanical stretch marks. The polynucleotide is locally injected under the scar to revitalize and restore the damaged skin tissue.


Scar Reduction

Effective for atrophic, hypertrophic, postoperative, and post-acne scars

Stretch Mark Treatment

Targets striae and stretch marks

Ligamentous Apparatus Support

Works with the ligamentous apparatus, offering comprehensive care for facial structures

Lip Augmentation

Addresses age-related changes in color, contours, hydration, and purse-string wrinkles

Neck, Décolleté, and Hand Rejuvenation

Provides effective skin care for these areas

Key Features of Rejuran S

The key features of Rejuran S include its effectiveness in scar reduction, treatment of stretch marks, support for the ligamentous apparatus, lip augmentation for addressing age-related changes, and rejuvenation for the neck, décolleté, and hands.

Key Ingredients of Rejuran I

The key ingredient in Rejuran S is polynucleotide (PN), a highly concentrated substance designed to restore and revitalize the skin in the area of scars and stretch marks.


  • Addressing atrophic, hypertrophic, postoperative, and post-acne scars.
  • Treatment for stretch marks.
  • Supporting the ligamentous apparatus.
  • Lip augmentation to counter age-related changes.
  • Rejuvenating the neck, décolleté, and hands.

How To Use

Recommended regimen: 3-4 procedures once every 3-4 weeks, with the option for an additional 1-2 procedures if the initial effect is not sufficient.

Maintenance regimen: Undergo treatment once every 3 months.

What's Inside

1.0 mL x 1syringe PN 1%
Needle 34G x 8mm

Storage & USE Precautions

  • Store in a cool, dry place between 1~30℃
  • Never heat or freeze this product.
  • Please keep away from direct sunlight

Please note that our products are meant to be administered by medical professionals. We are not responsible for any negative inflictions that may arise after administering products by yourself. We will not compensate for products that have been wasted or misused.


Yes, polynucleotides are gentle on the skin, and adverse reactions are extremely rare.


The frequency of Rejuran S treatments can vary based on individual skin conditions and treatment goals. Generally, it is recommended to undergo 3-4 procedures at intervals of once every 3-4 weeks initially. If the desired effect is not achieved, an additional 1-2 procedures can be considered. Following this initial course, a maintenance regimen of treatment once every 3 months is often advised. 

Rejuran S offers numerous advantages compared to traditional dermal fillers. Some of the key distinctions include:

  1. Regenerative Properties: While dermal fillers primarily focus on immediate volumizing effects, Rejuran S harnesses the regenerative potential of polynucleotides to revitalize and restore damaged skin tissue, offering both short-term and long-term benefits.

  2. Potential Longevity: The results from Rejuran S treatments may last longer than those of dermal fillers due to its regenerative effects, potentially reducing the frequency of repeat treatments.

  3. Versatility: Rejuran S can address a diverse range of concerns, including the treatment of scars, stretch marks, and support for the ligamentous apparatus, making it a versatile and comprehensive treatment option.

  4. Addressing Age-Related Changes: In addition to its regenerative effects, Rejuran S offers rejuvenation benefits for the neck, décolleté, and hands, providing a broader spectrum of skin care.

  5. Tailored Approach: Rejuran S provides a customized treatment approach for addressing various skin issues, offering personalized solutions for individual skin needs.

The results of Rejuran S treatments may become noticeable over time, with visible improvements often observed after a few weeks to a month, as the regenerative effects begin to enhance skin quality and texture.

Regarding aftercare, it is recommended to follow any specific instructions provided by your healthcare professional. This may include avoiding prolonged sun exposure, abstaining from strenuous activities for a day after treatment, and adhering to a suitable skincare regimen to support the skin’s healing and rejuvenation process.

Typically, the results can last anywhere from six months to a year. The duration of results from Rejuran S treatments may vary depending on individual factors such as skin condition, lifestyle, and environmental exposure. 

During a Rejuran S treatment, some patients may experience discomfort or mild pain at the injection sites, just like with many other injectable treatments. However, the procedure typically involves the use of topical or local anesthesia to minimize discomfort. Additionally, individuals may experience slight tenderness or redness at the injection sites post-treatment, but these effects are usually temporary.

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